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A member registered Apr 05, 2020

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(1 edit)

I wanna play the updated demo but's app's saying there's no compatible upload for Mac!

EDIT: Was finally able to get it to work! Absolutely enjoying it, worth the wait!

Going into this, I felt so bad for Shearsmith and what they were dealing with so quickly! Then I couldn't bring myself to be mean to Volkham because I was like "he's trying his best", and then I got to the ending and was left feeling blown away. This was great! It felt like a good length, and the buildup was nice! Also, I love the BGM, that added to the game a lot for me!

This was a simple, yet beautifully painful story. I cried playing through it, it was really impactful. Applause to you, this was amazing.

This is definitely off to a great start! I got hooked pretty quick, you did a great job for a  jam that gave you limited time! I'm excited to see what comes next.

This looks really interesting! Just from the look of the corebook it's clear a lot of time and effort was put into this!